Property WordPress Real Estate Theme
Kindly Check Our Newly Released Realestate Theme with Additional Features & Elementor Page Builder.
Real Property Real estate WordPress themes is best for Real Estate agency, Property websites, Property Management Portals. Features like property photos, Advanced property Search, Google Map with property location markers makes Real Property the best Realtor WordPress theme
Create property websites for real estate agents, property owners, real estate service finders, agency services, floor plan, buying and selling properties, real estate portal
Real Property template is best suited for real estate company, luxury real estate, real estate portal, real estate WordPress, real estate agent, house for sale, villa sale, apartment sale, buy house, property buying, real estate idx, real estate agency, sale rent house, home sale rent, rental home, rental office, rental business.
Choose from 20 Flat colors variations, 15 background patterns, 5 header set-ups and boxed or full width version. It’s gives unlimited color, font and layout combinations to build an ultimate portal!
Some of the Customer Reviews
Advanced Property Search Real Property Theme supports numerous search fields. Search fields can be added and removed from theme options. You can customize the fields for Sale and Rent!
Front End Property Submission & Edit Real Property Theme provides Front End Property Submit feature. A user can view his submitted properties and later on modify the property info, if required.
Short code builder Home and any page can have different layouts and with one click visual shortcode builder you can bring tons of layout possibilities. Descriptive and design components such as a features lists, carousels, testimonials, pricing table, accordion, tabs, buttons, quote, icons, divides, toggle, progress bars, fancy box and many more are included…
Extensive Theme Options Real Property theme option covers almost every element in the theme so its very easy for you to configure and modify the things around your website.
Responsive Layout All Pages are 100% Fully Responsive. So, it looks awesome on big screens as well as on smart phones and tablets.
SEO Fully hand coded, semantic and written to bring good ranking on search engines. The theme has good use of h1,h2,h3 tags. Given priority to Content hierarchy in the mark-up. Famous Allin one SEO and Yoast plugin Compatible.
WPML Compatible / Localisation / Multilingual Real Property Theme is loaded with WPML compatibility. You can create your site in multiple languages. .po and .mo files are included in the download pack.
Real Property Features
- Support for free version of dsIDXpress Plugin
- Advanced Real Estate Search
- Unlimited Property Images
- Real Estate Agent Support
- Multiple real estate custom widgets including featured listings and Recent Properties
- Sort properties by location, contract type and Property type
- Custom Google Maps Integration (Automatically pulls from address and vice versa)
- request GPS coordinates from address
- Front end submission and Edit system
- Property Management
- Advance Search Custom Widget
- custom post type with options
- Agents / Property Enquiry Working form with Validation
- flexible map widget with zoom level, map center
- HD Help Videos on Add, Edit, Customize Property
- Clean, Modern Design can be perfect for agents
- Exclusive property oriented sidebar widgets
- Easy to Use Meta Boxes To add and modify real estate property related information
- Recent Properties
- Featured Properties
- Property Images Gallery/Slider
- Property Content Area supports tab and other shortcodes
- Property Features Section
- Property Tour Video Section
- Property Location on Map
- Property Agent Information and Ajax Based Contact Form
- Similar Properties Section
- Property Search Results Template to display advanced search results ( it also supports Google Map to show resulted properties)
- Listing Templates with simple listing and grid listing layouts
- Gallery Templates with 2 Columns, 3 Columns and 4 Columns layouts
- Agents Template to display list of all agents
- Contact Template with Ajax based contact form, Google map and other contact information.
Property Details Page Features
Theme Features
- Flat, modern and clean design.
- 100% Fully Responsive. View your website on any popular device.
- HTML5, CSS3 built website.
- Includes Font Awesome Icons
- Multi Level dropdown menu.
- Mega-Menu
- Cross Browser Support
- Perfect blog system. You can add category or single blog in to the menu page.
- Social Icons
- Contact Form 7 Plugin
- All fields on options panel are well commented
- Extensive Documentation included
- Demo Content included in an XML Import file for quick setup
- Flickr Widget that automatically pulls in your Flickr images
- Twitter Widget that automatically pulls in your latest tweets
- Working PHP Contact Form
- Unlimited Portfolios can be created
- Full Localization Support Contains .po and .mo files
- WPML Plugin Support
- Full Width Slider ( could be based on properties OR custom contents )
- Full width page Template
- Child Theme Included
- 20 Color variations
- 15 Background patterns for Boxed version
- 5 Unique Header combinations
- Customizable Design
- wide/boxed layout
NOTE: Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy license.
* Real Property Responsive Real Estate Theme Change log *
2021.08.31 version 2.8
* Design fixes updates
2021.05.19 version 2.7
* Design fixes updates
2020.12.15 version 2.6
* Latest jQuery fixes updated * Updated: All premium plugins
2020.08.13 version 2.5
* Compatible with wordpress 5.5
2020.07.28 version 2.4
* Updated: Envato Theme check * Updated: sanitize_text_field added * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: All premium plugins
2020.06.26 version 2.3
* Compatible with wordpress 5.4.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: Privacy and Cookies concept * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Privacy Button Issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * Improved: Single product breadcrumb section * Improved: Revisions options added for all custom posts
2019.06.18 version 2.2
* Gutenberg Latest update compatible * Fixed - Mailchimp Issue * Fixed - GDPR Product single page comment box issue * Updated wpml xml file * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Updated - language pot files * Some design tweaks
2018.12.26 version 2.1
* Latest wordpress version 5.0.2 compatible * Updated latest version of all third party plugins
2018.02.22 version 2.0
* Fix - Background color option not working for "Blockquote" shortcode * Fix - Nav menu plugin conflict issue * Fix - Unyson page builder conflicts with "Visual Composer" and "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - Mail server issue * Fix - Menu design issue * Fix - Sidebar conflicts with fullwidth content * Fix - Other design issues * Fix - Disabling "Visual Editor" option from profile settings page conflicts with "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - Added links to tweets from twitter widget * Fix - New WordPress widgets like Text, Image, Gallery,... conflicts with "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - When both product and categories are added in same page WooCommerce * Fix - Product single page alignment issue with upsell and cross sell products * Compatible - WordPress 4.9.4 * Compatible - WooCommerce 3.3.2 * Packed with - DesignThemes Core Shortcode Plugins 1.8 * Packed with - Layer Slider 6.7.0 * Packed with - Revolution Slider * Packed with - WPBakery Visual Composer 5.4.5 * Packed with - Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.21
2017.12.05 version 1.8.9
* Compatible with WordPress 4.9.1 * Fixed deprecated issues * Fixed Theme check issues * Fixed php notice issues * Updated dummy content * Updated third party plugins - Layerslider-6.6.4 , RevSlider- and Visual composer-5.4.5
2017.01.20 version 1.8.8
* Fixed GPS location issue in single property
2016.12.21 version 1.8.7
* Radio Button Fix * Designthemes Core features plugin update * Page builder fix for PHP 7
2016.12.21 version 1.8.6
* Compatible with WordPress 4.7 * Updated located at frameworkplugins * Demo content with Unyson * Updated TGMA * Fixed Bugs
2016.08.08 version 1.8.5
* WordPress 4.5.3 compatible * Responsive Styled Google Maps 3.4 included * LayerSlider WP 5.6.9 included * Slider Revolution 5.2.6 included
2016.04.16 version 1.8.4
* Compatible with WordPress 4.5 * Updated located at frameworkplugins
2016.04.05 version 1.8.3
* Compatible with WordPress 4.4.2 * Updated TGM Plugin * Updated tpl-property-search.php * Updated tpl-dashboard.php * Updated search.php * Updated realhome_utils.php * Updated top_menu.php * Updated utils.php * Updated register_plugins.php * Updated all skins' style.css * Updated one column shortcode * Added content-property.php
2015.09.18 version 1.8.2
* Compatible with WordPress 4.3.1 * Updated Font Awesome
2015.06.24 version 1.8.1
* Updated prettyPhoto jQuery library ( XSS vulnerability )
2015.04.24 version 1.8
* Compatible with WordPress 4.2 * Fixed XSS vulnerability * Updated TGM Plugin * Updated Layer Slider , Revolution Slider and Responsive Styled Google Maps * Included Envato Toolkit
2015.02.20 version 1.7.2
* WPML Language Configuration Files ( wpml-config.xml ) has been changed. * dt_get_page_permalink_by_its_template() has been updated. * Now Property Search Form is fully compatiable with WPML. * Property Search form field names are changed.
2014.12.01 version 1.7.1
* Fixed mobile navigation issue * Search box css issue fixed * Retina issues fixed
2014.11.27 version 1.7
* Now retina ready * Documentation updated * Dummy Layer Slider included * Fixed button issue in mobile devices * Fixed IE11 select dropdown arrow issue * Added additional recent posts (with category) shortcode
2014.11.12 version 1.6
* Fixed WP_Error issue in property custom post type
2014.10.27 version 1.5
* Compatible with WordPress 4.0 * Woocommerce 2.2.2 Compatible * Added New Page Builder to create pages * iPad and iPhone button issue fixed
2014.08.05 version 1.4
* Now you can alter phone number at the top bar * Added option for enable / disable top bar * Added Property search widget * Added drag and drop option in front end property submission module * Updated main stylesheet * Slider plugins updated
2014.05.15 version 1.3
* Compatible with WordPress 3.9 * Added Membership option using s2member plugin. * A property can be assigned to multiple agents of a agency * You can easily customize header and footer styles * Unlimited skin options available
2014.04.23 version 1.2
* Added Grid / List View option for properties * Added Print option for property * Added Property slider Shortcode * You can set Property search below the slider * Now compatible with WordPress 3.9 * Now you can set marker icon for individual property type * Fixed header design issue in boxed version * Added 10 more patterns for boxed version * Fixed Portfolio hover effect for touch devices
2014.04.12 version 1.1
* We have updated the theme name to Real Property
2014.04.08 version 1.0
* First release!