TopNews Theme 3.3.9 News Magazine Newspaper Blog Viral & Buzz WordPress Theme


TopNews is a WordPress 5 compatible simple, feature-rich, user-friendly, fast-loading, customizable, functional and modern WordPress news, newspaper, magazine, blog, video and publishing WordPress Theme. This theme is fully responsive, fits any size of display from lower to higher resolutions and supports all modern browsers. It also supports YouTube and Vimeo videos.

This theme has multiple homepage and header variations and easy to use admin back-end. The flexible and powerful options allow you to customize the theme easily and the drag & drop page builder makes it easy to create unique and creative homepages.

This theme is SEO-ready and provides a great platform to achieve super high search engine rankings for your website.

We have dedicated support team to provide pre-sale and after-sale support for customers.

Top-News is the news, newspaper, magazine, blog, video and publishing WordPress theme.

Key Features of TopNews: 

  1. Lots of home page layout
  2. Three different types of header variation
  3. Six different menu style
  4. Ready and easy to use mega menu
  5. Custom YouTube & Vimeo video link option for every post
  6. YouTube & Vimeo video playlist shortcode
  7. Three types of slider
  8. 6+ Different types of blog layouts/li>
  9. Different layout option for every single category
  10. Without image layout
  11. Boxed and full width layouts
  12. Use Google fonts easily from theme panel
  13. Pick your favourate color from theme panel to decorate site
  14. Different font changing option for Title and Menu
  15. Drag and Drop page builder
  16. Lots of recent news block
  17. Multiple category and tag option to disply recent news
  18. 5 different sidebar layouts
  19. Unlimited sidebar creation option
  20. Option to select different sidebar for every pages

Top-News Theme Change Log

Version 3.3.9 Date: 11.01.2023 Updated: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 6.10.0 Updated: Update all WooCommerce outdated files Compatible with WordPress version 6.1.1

Version 3.3.8 Date: 25.03.2022 Updated: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 6.8.0 Updated: Update all WooCommerce outdated files Compatible with WordPress version 5.9.2

Version 3.3.7 Date: 31.10.2021 Updated: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 6.7.0 Updated: Update all WooCommerce outdated files Compatible with WordPress version 5.8.1

Version 3.3.6 Date: 16.02.2021 Updated: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 6.5.0 Updated: Update all WooCommerce outdated files Compatible with WordPress version 5.6.1

Version 3.3.5 Date: 08.09.2020 Updated: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 6.3.0 Updated: Update all WooCommerce outdated files Compatible with WordPress version 5.5.1

strong> Version 3.3.4 Date; 27-02-2020

 -- Updated: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 6.1 -- Updated: Update all WooCommerce outdated files 

strong> Version 3.3.3 Date; 16-06-2019

 -- Plugins Update: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 6.0.3 -- Update: update all WooCommerce outdated files 

strong> Version 3.3.2 Date; 13-05-2019

 -- Fix - Minor Bug's  

strong> Version 3.3.1 Date; 11-03-2019

 -- Compatible - Gotenberg -- Plugins Update: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 5.7 -- Fix - Minor Bug's  

strong> Version 3.3.0 Date; 16-01-2019

 -- fix - fix a bug to speed up website poerformance 

strong> Version 3.3.0 Date; 21-12-2018

 --- fix: minor bug fixing 

strong> Version 3.2.7 19-11-2018

 -- Plugins Update: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 5.5.5 

strong> Version 3.2.5 13-09-2018

 -- Plugins Update: WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 5.5.4 

strong> Version 3.2.3 02-09-2018

 -- fix : topbar social icon issue 

strong> Version 3.2.2 14-08-2018

 -- fix : featured post bug fixing  

strong> Version 3.2.0 18-07-2018

 -- update : major update in theme file code and theme option to improve loading time 

strong> Version 3.1.0 01-07-2018

 -- plugin update: visual composer 5.5.2 -- plugin update: codestar framework 1.1.0 -- fix : minor bug fixing  

strong> Version 3.0.9 09-03-2018

 -- plugin update: visual composer 5.4.5 

strong> Version 3.0.8 14-12-2017

 -- plugin update: visual composer 5.4.5 

strong> Version 3.0.7 20-11-2017

 -- plugin update: visual composer 5.4.4 -- Black Friday and Cyber Monday Offer 

strong> Version 3.0.5 23-08-2017

 -- plugin update: visual composer 5.2.1 

Version 3.0.4 11-07-2017

 -- fix: single post page warning -- fix: double review from related post -- plugin update: visual composer 5.2  -- Simple update 

Version 3.0.4 02-06-2017

 -- Simple update 

Version 3.0.3 10-05-2017

 -- fix: minor bug fixing  -- update: instagram option added to social counter widget 

Version 3.0.2 06-05-2017

 -- update: social counter widget options -- plugin update: visual composer 5.1.1 

Version 3.0.1 3-04-2017

 -- plugin update: visual composer 5.1 

Version 3.0.0 23-02-2017

 -- add: Two new header variation -- add: Two new demo data (Animal and Food) -- add: Two new recent post shortcode with ajax load more button -- add: Trending, Popular and Hot post shortcode -- add: Trending, Popular and Hot post widget -- Update: Viralpress -- Update: Codestar Framework 

Version 2.1.1 12-02-2017

 -- update: few typography -- fix: a small bug 

Version 2.1.0 12-02-2017

 -- plugin update: visual composer 5.0.1 -- add: ajax post load on blog -- add: new single page style added 

Version 2.0.9 21-11-2016

 -- plugin update: viralpress -- plugin update: visual composer 5.0 

Version 2.0.8 27-10-2016

 -- add: child theme added -- update: viralpress 3.4.5 

Version 2.0.7 07-10-2016

 -- fix: some spelling error -- fix: new google fonts url -- update: codestar framework 

Version 2.0.6 29-09-2016

 -- add: Background header option on page for header 2 & 3   -- fix: Dropdown support for mobile menu -- update: Codestar framework for TopNews 

Version 2.0.5 29-09-2016

 -- update: Update to viralpress 3.4.1 -- add: Custom css option from theme panel -- add: All latest google font support added on  -- fix: Fatal error when codestar framwork is not activated 

Version 2.0.4 ] 25-09-2016

 -- Update to viralpress 3.3 -- fix: page header css -- update: Documentation 

Version 2.0.3 ] 25-09-2016

 -- improve: Video shortcode for responsive devices -- add: Menu variation for viral & buzz header -- add: Color changing option for topbar3 -- add: Temperature with location and date option for topbar3 -- update: codestar framework 

Version 2.0.2 ] 24-09-2016

 -- add: WP Review support -- update: Update to viralpress 3.2 -- update: Documentation 

Version 2.0.1 ] 21-09-2016

 -- add: New breadcrumb style2 -- add: sharecount on page featured post and blog page -- update: lnaguage file -- update: codestar framework -- update: Update to viralpress 3.1 

Version 2.0.0 ] 11-09-2016

 -- viral and buzz version released -- add: viralpress plugins -- add: featured post on top for home page -- add: two new topbar style -- add: sidebar and footer color changing option added -- update: codestar framework -- update: visual composer latest version added -- update: language file 

Version 1.1.4 ] 5-09-2016

 -- update: language file missing words  -- update: codestar framework -- update: Image size for category sliders -- add: add option to display post page Category Tag and Share box  

Version 1.1.3 (05-09-16)

 -- fix: slider bug -- add: tag on post page -- improve: author box option 

Version 1.1.2 (03-09-16)

 - improve: post share option - add: Social Media Share Buttons | MashShare as recommended plugins - update: Codestar Framework for TopNews to v.1.0.2 - add: add image size for features post and category page slider images - update: Language file - update: some css 

Version 1.1.1 (01-09-16)

 - update: demo data file - fix: responsive issue for mobile header - improve: featured post settings 

Version 1.1.0 (31-08-16)

 - add: woocommerce support - add: bbpress support  - improve: logo and advertise banner settings 

Version 1.0.1 (28-08-16)

 - fix: Mega menu post display - fix: Header 3 login and register link - fix: Metabox value - fix: Option panel header style name 

Version 1.0.0 (27-08-16)

 Initial Released: News/Magazine WordPress Theme 

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New Release Plumbing, Repair & Construction WordPress Theme

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