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CouponXxL Theme Deals, Coupons & Discounts WP Theme


Our latest top notch classified ads WordPress theme Lisfinity

Import process explained 6min video

Buyers Testimonials


The customer service of the pebas team is just wow. Very quick reply, fast action to resolve issues at any time..I just love them..keep up the great work guys and wish you all the best.


This is a great looking theme and with help from pebas I was able to get my site the way I wanted it to look. In my option its the best daily deals design available. Nice work Powerthemes.

CouponXxL is the most complete WordPress theme on the market for deals and coupons websites. It is great affiliate or self hosted solutions to start making a profit simple by selling discounts locally or worldwide. CouponXxL is the perfect theme for any kind of coupon, deals & discounts related site. Make your choice simple. Go Big, Go XxL!

Groupon Deal
Type of the deals with some minimum deal sales required to be active.
In combination with free WP All Import plugin affiliate import is piece of cake.

You can choose website purpose with just one click and have only deals, only coupons or deals and coupons website.
Credits and buying credits in order to submit deals and coupons is the and awesome feature.
Choose between Vendor or Buyer account with different privilegies.
The most world used payment methods plus wire/bank transfer included.
Pay out all earnings to your customers with just one click.
Random autogenerated vauchers will spare huge amount of time.
Simple to track and change all voucher status.
You have your agents, no problem just add them trough your vendor profile.
Start typing and all desired discounts and stores will appear in a second.
Easy location search for your visitors by typing or marker select on the map.
Beautiful custom made, simple to use mega menu for all big dropdowns you will ever need.
Your customers can have quick look to deals directly on map.

And many more…

============================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.9.3 27.02.2018  Fixed issue with Captcha while registering Fixed issue with PayUMoney  functions.php style.css  Version 1.9.2 11.01.2018  Fixed bug when still not approved offers become approved after editing Added support for Google reCaptcha Improved translation of permalinks Updated third-party assets to its latest versions  functions.php includes/profile-pages/vendor/insert-offer.php includes/lib style.css  Version 1.9.1 10.11.2017  The fixed tiny issue with text over logo  includes/headers/header1.php style.css  Version 1.9 07.12.2017  Resolved bug with click to copy, now working across all devices Exclude expired offers when performing keyword ajax search Fixed issue with Cyrillic characters in some places Fixed issue with showing wrong categories count Fixed issue with not publishing offers after import Fixed issue with pay money gateway when the offer was added when it shouldn't be  functions.php includes/widgets.php includes/gateways/payumoney.php page-tpl_all_categories.php couponxxl-import/couponxxl-import.php style.css  Version 1.8 12.01.2017  Fixed order receipient information missing & only single item displaying Fixed single store offers filtering Fixed single store offers count Fixed confirmation hash link issue with non latin characters Fixed PayUMoney sometimes occuring payment issue Fixed issue with not displaying information when editing offer Fixed issue with visibility of non user offers Prevented multiple clicks when processing credits Added option to show expired offers on their store page Added option to change order of offers on their store page Added instagram link for stores Added more information to voucher pdf  single-store.php includes/offers/coupon.php includes/offers/deal.php includes/offers/offers.php includes/email-tpl/email-order.php includes/order-management.php includes/gateways/payumoney.php includes/profile-pages/vendor/manage-offer.php includes/profile-pages/vendor/vendor.php js/admin.js style.css  Version 1.7 09.09.2016  Fixed issue with new agent messages Fixed issue with vendor/buyer password change Fixed issue with wrong store name on pdf Fixed issue with multiple clicks on ad submiting  Edited files: style.css functions.php includes/order-management.php js/custom.js  Version 1.6 29.06.2016  Updated to work with latest Google API Updated tgm plugin Fixed issue with category permalinks Fixed issue with pdf printing voucher Fixed issue with not showing unlimited time  Edited files: style.css functions.php includes/theme-options.php includes/profile-pages/buyer/view-order.php includes/classes/class.tgm-plugin-activation.php includes/classes/class.offers.php  Version 1.5 06.06.2016.  added search to all stores page fixed frontend add locations issue fixed coupon modal store image permalink  Edited files: style.css page-tpl_all_stores.php includes/store-locations functions.php  Version 1.4 14.04.2016.  Added options for autoplay and autoplay timeout of the featured slider Added mail sending for vendors on purchase Added category information on the listing of offers in backend Added pretty permalinks Fixed deletting of store markers on save of another Fixed dismiss of the info about WP All Import Fixed compatibility issue with WP 4.5 Fixed renaming slugs  Edited files: style.css scss/style.scss css/customize.css functions.php includes/theme-options.php includes/order-management.php includes/store-locations.php includes/headers/categories.php includes/shortcodes/categories.php includes/shortcodes/category.php includes/shortcodes/locations.php includes/single-offer/deal.php includes/widgets.php page-tpl_all_categories.php includes/headers/search.php includes/search-sidebar.php includes/title.php page-tpl_all_locations.php page-tpl_profile.php includes/profile-pages/vendor/dashboard.php single-store.php page-tpl_register.php lib/plugins/ ( reinstall the plugin )  lib/plugins/ ( reinstall the plugin )  lib/plugins/ (reinstall the plugin )  18.03.2016. Version 1.3  Added child theme  Edited files: style.css functions.php  14.03.2016. Version 1.2  Fixed bug on vendor profile with credits Fixed bug with login as vendor and empty profile Introduced Envato Market plugin as official plugin for the udpates  Edited files: style.css scss/style.scss functions.php includes/gateways/bank.php includes/profile-pages/vendor.php includes/profile-pages/vendor/credits.php  07.03.2016. Version 1.1  Fixed pring voucher Fixed theme options saving Fixed user additional data display on users listing Updated languages  Minor bug fixes  Edited files: functions.php style.css css/admin.css js/custom.js includes/profile-pages/vendor/deals.php includes/profile-pages/vendor/coupons.php includes/profile-pages/vendor.php includes/order-managemenet.php includes/classes/class.offer.php includes/gateways/paypal.php includes/gateways/stripe.php includes/shortcodes/deals.php includes/shortcodes/coupons.php includes/gateways/skrill.php lib/plugins/ ( Reinstall plugin CouponXxL Custom Post Types ) lib/plugins/ ( Reinstall Plugin ) languages/*  02.02.2016. Version 1.0  

Credits All images are used only for preview and they are not included in downloadable item package

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