
Skylab Theme Responsive Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme


Build any layout you can imagine with intuitive drag and drop builder.

Change Log

 === 3.9 (Oct 15, ‘22) === Plugins updated. Overall improvements. 
 === 3.8.9 (Jul 06, ‘22) === Plugins updated. Overall improvements. 
 === 3.8.8 (May 20, ‘22) === Plugins updated. Overall improvements. 
 === 3.8.7 (Jan 08, ‘22) === Small bugs fixes. 
 === 3.8.6 (Jan 06, ‘22) === Plugins updated. Overall improvements. 
 === 3.8.5 (Oct 31, ‘21) === Plugins updated. Overall improvements. 
 === 3.8.4 (Aug 09, ‘21) === Plugins updated. Overall improvements. 
 === 3.8.3 (Jun 12, ‘21) === Plugins updated. Overall improvements. 
 === 3.8.1 (Mar 18, ‘21) === Plugins updated. 
 === 3.8 (Dec 23, ‘20) === Plugins updated. 
 === 3.7 (Dec 03, ‘20) === Overall improvements. 
 === 3.6 (Oct 12, ‘20) === Overall improvements. 
 === 3.5 (Sep 15, ‘20) === Overall improvements. 
 === 3.4 (Jun 18, ‘20) === Overall improvements. 
 === 3.3.2 (May 9, ‘20) === Overall improvements. 
 === 3.3 (Mar 7, ‘20) === Overall improvements. 
 === 3.2 (Dec 22, ‘19) === Small bugs fixes. 
 === 3.1 (Dec 19, ‘19) === Theme options updated. Overall improvements. 
 === 3.0.6 (Jul 11, ‘19) === Small bugs fixes. 
 === 3.0.5 (Apr 16, ‘19) === Small bugs fixes. 
 === 3.0.4 (Feb 5, ‘19) === Small bugs fixes. 
 === 3.0.3 (Dec 26, ‘18) === Small CSS fixes. 
 === 3.0.2 (Dec 1, ‘18) === Small CSS fixes. 
 === 3.0.1 (Nov 3, ‘18) === Small CSS fixes. 
 === 3.0 (Oct 8, ‘18) === Overall improvements. 
 === 2.1.1 (Apr 27, ‘16) === Fixed: R Slider gallery. 
 === 2.1.0 (Apr 20, ‘16) === Added: latest version of Visual Composer. 
 === 2.0.9 (Feb 1, ‘16) === Added: latest version of Revolution Slider. 
 === 2.0.8 (Jan 1, ‘16) === Fixed: left menu CSS bug. 
 === 2.0.7 (Oct 6, ‘15) === Added: latest version of Visual Composer plugin. 
 === 2.0.6 (Jul 12, ‘15) === Fixed: transitions for Internet Explorer. 
 === 2.0.5 (May 8, ‘15) === Added: latest versions of Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, OptionTree and TGM Plugin Activation plugins. Added: Page with Transparent Header Background for Slider page template. 
 === 2.0.4 (May 1, ‘15) === Fixed: site title issue. 
 === 2.0.3 (Apr 13, ‘15) === Fixed: Portfolio Post Type plugin issue. 
 === 2.0.2 (Apr 10, ‘15) === Fixed: Retina logo issue. 
 === 2.0.1 (Apr 4, ‘15) === Added: latest version of Visual Composer. 
 === 2.0 (Jan 26, ‘15) === New version 
 === 1.2.4 (Dec 17, ‘14) === Added: latest version of Revolution Slider. 
 === 1.2.3 (Sep 8, ‘14) === Added: latest version of Revolution Slider. 
 === 1.2.2 (Jul 3, ‘14) === Fixed: shortcode button. 
 === 1.2.1 (Apr 26, ‘14) === Fixed: insert shortcode button bug. 
 === 1.2 (Feb 27, ‘14) === Fixed: slider in IE11 bug. 
 === 1.1.9 (Nov 28, ‘13) === Fixed: gallery upload bug. 
 === 1.1.8 (Nov 7, ‘13) === Fixed: mobile menu. 
 === 1.1.7 (Sep 4, ‘13) === Fixed: bug in Galleries List (Fixed Width) page template. 
 === 1.1.6 (Aug 21, ‘13) === Fixed: fullscreen and full width sliders on Internet Explorer 8 browser. 
 === 1.1.5 (Aug 20, ‘13) === Fixed: white logo in fullscreen gallery. 
 === 1.1.4 (Aug 19, ‘13) === Added: Galleries List (Fixed Width) page template. Added: gallery title and meta position option. Added: pagination for gallery items. 
 === 1.1.3 (Aug 17, ‘13) === Fixed: filter function in galleries list. 
 === 1.1.2 (Aug 17, ‘13) === Fixed: Tagline CSS bug in full-screen gallery. 
 === 1.1.1 (Aug 16, ‘13) === Fixed: CSS bugs in custom styles. 
 === 1.1 (Aug 6, ‘13) === Added: the new version of imagesLoaded JavaScript plugin. 
 === 1.0.9 (Aug 3, ‘13) === Fixed: compatible with WordPress 3.6. 
 === 1.0.8 (Aug 1, ‘13) === Fixed: minor bugs. 
 === 1.0.7 (Jul 19, ‘13) === Fixed: column's width in portfolios list. Added: an updated version of Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin 
 === 1.0.6 (Jul 16, ‘13) === Fixed: column's width in galleries list. 
 === 1.0.5 (Jul 14, ‘13) === Fixed: autoplay function in “Full Width of Window” page template. 
 === 1.0.4 (Jul 12, ‘13) === Fixed: bug in “Masonry (no margins)” page template. 
 === 1.0.3 (Jun 25, ‘13) === Fixed: custom URL for related projects. Fixed: third level menu. 
 === 1.0.2 (Jun 18, ‘13) === Added: categories for portfolio. Added: tagline below site title. 
 === 1.0.1 (Jun 10, ‘13) === Added: portfolio pagination. 
 === 1.0 (May 21, ‘13) === Initial release. 
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