Angie is a stylish multi-concept blog theme for WordPress aimed at bloggers, photographers, designers, adventurers or just about anyone who likes to share stories and have a strong visual presence on the web.
Online Documentation
The theme comes with support for Instagram Feed, Self-Hosted Google Fonts, Custom Widgets, and Sharing and Post Liking functionality. Additionally, the theme supports the Mailchimp for WordPress plugin so you can maintain a subscriber base with ease. The theme fully utilizes the WordPress Customizer for managing theme settings with over 200 Customizer options.
Responsive design allows users to experience the theme specifically tailored for their mobile device.
Angie comes with extensive Documentation which covers every part of the theme in details. If you still have questions, we also fully support our themes and you can contact us through our profile page at Hedgehog Creative.
- Gutenberg Optimized
- 10 Demos Included
- WooCommerce Compatible
- Responsive Design
- 10 Featured Sliders Styles
- 12 Homepage Layouts
- 5 Post Decoration Styles Masks
- Edit Default Theme text from the admin panel
- Working Share Functionality
- Working Post Like Functionality (support for Zilla Likes)
- Custom Widgets
- Extensive Documentation
- Unlimited color variations
- Contact from with the help of Contact Form 7
- Instagram Feed
- Self-Hosted Google Fonts
- Supports all major browsers
- Translation Ready
- Child theme included
Change Log
Version 1.1.2 - 17.06.2020. -- Bug Fix / Plugin Update - Updated the Kirki plugin, stops unnecessary font uploads. Version 1.1.1 - 11.05.2020. -- Bug Fix - Settings for hiding add to cart button and product ratings were not being applied (files changed: woocommerce.php) Version 1.1 - 01.10.2019. -- Major Fix - Due to changes to the Instagram API, our custom Instagram Feed solution no longer works 100%. If you're having issues displaying your Instagram Feed we added support for a, highly regarded, third party plugin (Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed). Either way we recommend to switch to using the aforementioned plugin to avoid any potentially arising issues. The support for our Instagram Feed solution will eventually be dropped entirely. (files changed: footer.php, style.css; Angie Options plugin: instagram-settings.php) Version 1.0.3 - 21.08.2019. -- Show/Hide Post meta elements settings weren't being applied - (style.css, section-post-header.php, section-post-footer.php, utility-functions.php, user-styles.php) Version 1.0.2 - 18.08.2019. -- Removed the unused lines from the style.css - (style.css) -- Fixed the implementation of nivoLightbox plugin - (custom.js) Version 1.0.1 - 15.07.2019. -- Removed the leftover debugging code -- Fixed the demo import files (menus were not being created) Version 1.0 - 20.06.2019. -- Initial release
- One Click Demo Import
- Zilla Likes
- Slick Slider
- Masonry
- SlickNav Responsive Mobile Menu v1.0.3
- FitVids 1.1
- Modernizr Plugin
- Nivo Lightbox plugin
- Font Icons from
- Google Web Fonts
- Images from and under Creative Commons Public Domain License
- Support for Contact Form 7
- Support for Mailchimp for WP Lite
- Perfect Scrollbar jQuery plugin