
Turbo Theme WooCommerce Rental & Booking Theme


Turbo is an user-friendly car booking WordPress theme alternatively, car rental WordPress theme crafted with , WooCommerce booking plugin, visual composer, and multilingual.This theme allows you to book or rent your date-based or time-based car booking. It creates a new product type to your WooCommerce site. Perfect for those wanting to offer rental or booking.

Our Top Features

  • WooCommerce based booking & rental system
  • Car listings, searching and filtering
  • Booking inventory management
  • Car availability control and date blocking
  • Online payment system (Woo)
    • PayPal
    • Stripe
    • Braintree
    • 2Checkout
    • Authorize.Net
    • Check payment
    • Direct bank transfer
    • and lot more…
  • Order email confirmation
  • Order cancelling anytime
  • Fully managable with visual composer page builder
  • Translation ready via .po/.mo
  • WPML ready
  • 100% responsive

Other Fearutes

  • Car listing grid and list view
  • Image lazy loading
  • Location based searching
  • Choose date format
  • Day basis price configuration
  • Monthly price configuration
  • Weekly price configuration
  • Pickup and return location cost enabled
  • Unlimitted payable resource
  • Booking cost calculation on person count
  • Unlimitted payable and non-payable person
  • Fixed price discount
  • Percentage % price discount
  • Security deposit configuration
  • Car rental local and global settings
  • Full calendar order reporting
  • Nice user dashboard
  • ReduX theme option framework
  • Page & Post Local Settings

Our Awesome Products


Change log

v9.0.1 21 October, 2022

  -Datepicker days translate support in search forms -Inspect latest version support -Update turbo-manager plugin -Heading widget -RnB Latest version support -Documentation update -Laguage File update 

v9.0.0 15 September, 2022

  -Inspect latest version support.  -RNB latest version support.  -New theme with Elementor Widget support. -CSS update. -Responsive Update. -Demo data with elementor. -Turbo Manager plugin add. - Elementor support apart from product single page 

v8.0.6 17th May, 2022

  - Fixed product availability issues on listing page 

v8.0.5 12th April, 2022

  - Implement inspect plugin for search and filter - Fixed mini cart issue - Fixed time picker issue during visiting from listing page 

v8.0.4 25th Feb, 2022

  - turbo.pot file updated 

v8.0.3 19 Jan, 2022

  - TGM plugin installation issue fixed 

v8.0.2 09 Jan, 2022

  - Compatible with rnb 11.0.8 - Visual composer updated - Duplicate shipping issue fixed on cart page - Checkout css issue fixed - Small CSS issues fixes - Some JS issue fixes 

v8.0.1 27 Apr, 2021

  - Fixed demo importer issue - Fixed product inventory sync issue - Updated dependency plugins 

v8.00 05 Nov 2020

  - Internal css code structure changed - Reactive pro, Reuse form, RnB, Js composer plugins updated - Design improved - CSS & JS issues solved 

v7.0.1 14 Sept 2020

  - Listing demo calendar css issue - Reactive pro, Reuse form, RnB, Js composer plugins updated - Listing demo booking form switch issue solved - Checked with latest WordPress version.  

v7.0.0 23 Aug 2020

  - Single page layout break issue - WooCommerce outdated templates updated - Font issue solved - Reactive latest version updated 

v6.0.9 26 June 2020

  - Demo updated - RnB plugin updated - CSS and JS issues fixed - Internal code structure improved - Booking form layout change 

v6.0.8 18 May 2020

  - Demo updated - RnB plugin updated - CSS and JS issues fixed - Internal code structure improved 

v6.0.7 17 March 2020

  - RnB plugin updated - Turbo-helper plugin updated - Visual composer plugin updated - Dashboard console issue solved - Product single page console issue solved - Some css issue fixed  

v6.0.5 03 Nov, 2019

  - Demo importer issue fixed - Turbo grid template issue fixed - Rental plugin updated  

v6.0.4 14 Oct, 2019

  - Footer copyright issue solved - Rental plugin updated. - listing template updated.  

v6.0.3 05 August, 2019

  - Booking availability & Searching issue solved - Visual studio design option added for all shortcodes - pre-packed plugin updated - Body font option issue solved - CSS issue fixed - Minor JS issues fixed 

v6.0.0 28 May, 2019

  - RnB 8.0.6 version included (Breaking Change) - Listing demo issue solved - Translation issue solved - Demo data updated - Minor CSS issues fixed - Minor JS issues fixed 

v5.0.8 20 March, 2019

  - Sort by price issue solved - WooCommerce outdated templates warning issues fixed - Remove from cart issue solved 

v5.0.5 22 Jan, 2019

  - Per day and currency issue fixed in listing page - Booking plugin updated - Translation issues solved 

v5.0.4 18 December, 2018

  - Pre-packed plugins updated - Demo data updated - Translation issues solved 

v5.0.1 10 November, 2018

  - demo importer issue fix for car listing demo 
  - 1 brand new theme layout. - Comparison Plugin Included. - Custom WishList plugin included. - Post individual setting options panel. - Update Reactive Pro Plugin. - Update WooCommerce Rental & Booking Plugin. - New ShortCodes. - Bug Fixed. - CSS issues fixed. 
  - 2 brand new home pages added - Header typography change option - Footer typography change option - Content typography change option - Option added for sticky header in blog single page - CSS issues fixed - Js issues fixed - Visual composer plugin updated - RnB plugin updated   
  - Demo importer plugin issues fixed 

v4.0.2 27 September 2018

Change log

v4.0.0 13 September 2018

  - New home page added for car rent - New home page added for bike rent - New home page for scooter rent - Lot of design changes - transparent menu on/off option added - New 6 short codes added - Lot of CSS issues fixed - Demo importer plugin updated - Rental plugin version 6.0.6 added - Reactive plugin v4.0.6 added - Visual composer plugin updated - Outdated wooCommerce files updated 

v3.0.0 03 August 2018

 - RnB plugin updated to v6.0.6 - Reactive pro plugin updated to v4.0.6.2 - Redq reuse form updated to it's latest version - Quantity 1 issue sovled - Local settings panel issue solved - Dummy data upated 

v2.1.0 7 June 2018

- Fix: My account page typography and design issue  - Fix: Product single page empty image notice hide - Update: Product single page no image breadcrumb design update - New: Footer widget mobile version display mode settings enabled - Update: Dropdown and calendar date picker active and hover color issue fix - Update: Listing page search component Design and pagination design update - Update: RnB Plugin update - Update: Turbo theme helper plugin  - Update: Turbo demo importer plugin - Update: Visual Composer plugin - Add: Translation file added. This is auto translation file via poedit. ( French, Spanish). This is not 100% accurate please if you found any translation issue let us know or you can send the po/mo files to us, we will add it in our updates. - Update: Overall CSS styling fixing and update. 

v2.0.9 06 April 2018

  -  Quantity Feature Inlcuded [New] -  Quantity and Availability checking before placing order  -  Product page map issue solved -  Request for quote button issues solved -  Request for quote form responsive issue solved -  Fort-Awesome library updated -  WooCommerce outdated files updated -  Dummy data updated -  Pre-packed plugin updated to respective latest version  

v2.0.7 20 Nov 2017

  -  Translation issues solved -  Reactive pro plugin updated -  RnB plugin updated -  Dummy data updated  

v2.0.4 07 Aug 2017

  -  _log issue solved during importing dummy data -  CSS issues fixed -  Some JS issues fixed  

v2.0.3 29 july 2017

  -  New listing templates added -  Reactive pro plugin updated -  RnB plugin updated -  CSS issues fixed - Js issues fixed  

v2.0.2 21 May 2017

  -  WooCommerce success notice fixed on cart and product page -  WooCommerce error notice fixed on checkout page -  Calendar design issue solved -  Home page empty value search issues solved -  Add available date from inventory post issues solved -  Blog issues and single post issue solved -  Google calendar on console error issues solved -  Plugins updated -  Some CSS issues fixed -  Some JS issues fixed  

v2.0.1 15 May 2017

  -  WooCommerce default product layout fixed -  Internal server issues solved -  Some CSS issues fixed -  Some JS issues fixed 

v2.0.0 20 April 2017

  -  Full Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0.x  -  Background options added in theme option panel -  Typography options added in theme option panel -  Local settings added for header, footer, banner, copyright area -  Global settings added for header, footer, banner, copyright area -  Unlimited background color or image change for header , footer, banner, and copyright area -  Unlimited social profile added option -  Total price count depending on no of date in listing page -  Some CSS issues fixed -  Some JS issues fixed 

v1.0.8 23 March 2017

  -  WPML issues solved -  WooCommerce order cancel and product availability checking -  Weekend booking issues solved -  Day basis opening & closing times setting options -  Car company brand icon change issues fixed -  Listing page pickup and return date placeholder issues fixed -  Single day price calculation issues solved -  Show Pricing dynamic text from setting tab -  Pricing plan dynamic text from setting tab -  Instance pay dynamic text from setting tab -  Total cost dynamic text from setting tab -  Discount dynamic text from setting tab -  All .po and .mo files updated  

v1.0.7 02 Feb 2017

 -  Transient API issue fixed in car details page -  React Dates calendar design issues fixed 

v1.0.6 29 Jan 2017

 -  Back-end calendar issues solved -  Product page map issue solved -  Translation issues solved -  Reactive Plugin updated -  RnB plugin updated -  Reactive render plugin updated -  Option panel updated 

v1.0.4 28 Nov 2016

 -  Car details page with right sidebar -  Car details page with left sidebar -  React-date picker added in home page -  Single day booking issues solved -  Front-end price , currency issues fixed -   Fixed Inventory and date availability issue -  Pickup-date placeholder issue solved -  Pickup-time placeholder issue solved -  Dropoff-date placeholder issue solved -  Dropoff-time placeholder issue solved -  Tuesday spelling issue solved -  Thursday spelling issue solved -  Cart page per day and one-time translation issue solved -  Check out page per day and one-time translation issue solved -  Book now button text changes from product backend -  Fixed and per day price calculation in day ranges pricing -  Provided option to set pickup date & time name in cart, checkout and order page  -  Provided option to set return date & time name in cart, checkout and order page  -  Provided options to set resource name in cart, checkout and order page  -  Provided options to set person name in cart, checkout , and order page -  Provided options to set deposit name in cart, checkout,  and order page  -  Provided options to set pickup location name in cart, checkout,  and order page  -  Provided options to set return location name in cart, checkout,  and order page  -  Email translation issues fixed -  Person placeholder issue solved -  Updated dummy data 

v1.0.3 09 Oct 2016

 -  Related Car Configuration -  Set no. of related cars from option panel -  Up-Sell Cars Configuration -  Set no. of up-sell cars from option panel -  Cross Configuration -  Set no. of cross-sell cars from option panel  -  Updated dummy data -  Listing pages sidebar design variation 

v1.0.2 05 Oct 2016

 -  Reactive pro plugin updated -  Rental and booking plugin updated -  Booking fields value auto-selected from URL data -  Child Theme included -  Language File updated -  Some CSS issues fixed -  Some js issues fixed -  Dummy data updated in demo-importer plugin  

v1.0.1 23 Sept 2016

 -  Mobile menu issue fixed 

v1.0.0 22 September 16

- initial release. 

Our Plugins

Full functional E-Commerce application with Laravel Backend

Pickbazar Laravel React, Next, REST & GraphQL Ecommerce

Reactive Pro Advance WP search, filter & grid

RnB WooCommerce Rental & Booking System

Alike Any post comparison WordPress

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