CorporateDirectory & ListingsWordPress

CareerUp Theme 2.3.29 Job Board WordPress Theme


CareerUp Job Board WordPress theme is a complete Job Board WordPress theme that allows you to create a useful and easy to use job listings website . Using CareerUp theme, you can create a complete & fully Responsive job portal, career platform to run human resource management, recruitment or job posting website. CareerUp is not just a job board theme, it’s the best WordPress job portal template choice for anyone who wants a simple job script that makes money.


  • Restrict Job
    – View job page:
    • All (Users, Guests)
    • All Register Users
    • Register Candidates (All registered candidates can view jobs.)
    • Always Hidden
  • Restrict Candidate
    – View candidate page:
    • All (Users, Guests)
    • All Register Users
    • Only Applicants (Employer can view only their own applicants candidates.)
    • Register Employers (All registered employers can view candidates.)
    • Register Employers with package (Registered employers who purchased CV Package can view candidates.)

    – View candidate contact info:

    • All (Users, Guests)
    • All Register Users
    • Only Applicants (Employer can view only their own applicants candidates.)
    • Register Employers (All registered employers can view candidates.)
    • All users can view candidate, but only employers with package can see contact info (Users who purchased Contact Package can see contact info.)
  • Restrict Employer
    – View candidate page:
    • All (Users, Guests)
    • All Register Users
    • Only Applicants (Candidate can view only their own applicants employers.)
    • Register Candidates (All registered candidates can view employers.)
    • Always Hidden

    – View candidate contact info:

    • All (Users, Guests)
    • All Register Users
    • Only Applicants (Candidate can view only their own applicants employers.)
    • Register Candidates (All registered candidates can view employers.)
    • Always Hidden
  • Add a job in frontend
  • Highly Customizable
  • Extensive Admin Interface
  • One click Demo Import
  • No coding knowledge required
  • Page Templates
  • Responsive & Retina Ready
  • Large collection of useful inner pages
  • Choose your grid size
  • Boxed layout option
  • Powerful typography options
  • Translation ready
  • WooCommerce compatible
  • Powerful sorting options for job listings and resumes
  • Multiple ways of showcasing job listings and resumes
  • Listing List shortcode
  • Listing Search shortcode
  • Listing Advanced Search shortcode
  • Listing Simple Search shortcode
  • Resume List shortcode
  • Resume Advanced Search shortcode
  • User login
  • User Dashboard page template
  • Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn login
  • Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn apply job
  • Pricing Tables shortcode
  • Comparison Pricing Tables shortcode
  • Smooth Page Transitions
  • Fontawsome & Flaticon
  • User Login Form

Updates History:

Version 2.3.29 16 December 2022

 * Updated WooCommerce 

Version 2.3.28 07 November 2022

 * Updated WooCommerce 

Version 2.3.27 27 September 2022

 * Updated WooCommerce 

Version 2.3.26 11 July 2022

 * Updated register form * Updated settings * Updated application email * Updated select 2 

Version 2.3.25 19 April 2022

 * Update multiple languages 

Version 2.3.24 24 March 2022

 * Update Elementor 

Version 2.3.23 05 November 2021

 * Update register form 

Version 2.3.22 15 September 2021

 * Update filter job 

Version 2.3.21 01 July 2021

 * Update Website Preload 

Version 2.3.20 10 June 2021

 * Updated select2 

Version 2.3.19 31 May 2021

 * Updated employer logo default 

Version 2.3.18 14 May 2021

 * Added Fields Manager 

Version 2.3.17 28 April 2021

 * Updated Elementor 

Version 2.3.16 26 April 2021

 * Updated Elementor 

Version 2.3.15 14 April 2021

 * Updated WooCommerce * Updated Language 

Version 2.3.14 17 March 2021

 * Updated related * Fixed pricing package 

Version 2.3.13 16 March 2021

 * Updated pagination Jobs, Employers, Candidates 

Version 2.3.12 19 February 2021

 * Improved responsive * Improved restrict Job, Employer, Candidate 

Version 2.3.11 15 January 2021

 * Updated WooCommerce 

Version 2.3.10 03 November 2020

 * Updated restrict jobs, candidate, employer * Updated application status 

Version 2.3.9 01 October 2020

 * Updated get jobs by multiple taxonomies * Updated Job map * Updated Job preview 

Version 2.3.8 21 August 2020

 * Updated candidate category list * Update them style 

Version 2.3.7 21 August 2020

 * Updated WooCommerce 4.4 

Version 2.3.6 14 August 2020

 * Fixed javascript error * Improve geolocation 

Version 2.3.5 12 August 2020

 * Fixed javascript error * Updated demo import 

Version 2.3.4 05 August 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 2.1.3 * Updated search location * Updated Employer | Candidate email * Updated Employer my jobs 

Version 2.3.3 13 July 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 3.2.2 * Add element "Apus Jobs Maps" to show maps in home page 

Version 2.3.2 10 July 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 2.1.2 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 3.2.1 * Updated WooCommerce 4.3 * Fixed Urgent/Featured jobs 

Version 2.3.1 18 June 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 3.1.1 * Updated filter url * Updated texts * Added update checker 

Version 2.3.0 29 May 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 2.1.0 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 3.1.0 * Updated job filter * Updated Resume package * Added job restrict * Added recaptcha for lost password form * Added ajax handles * Fixed send email alert (jobs, candidates) 

Version 2.2.2 26 May 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 2.0.5 * Updated mapbox * Fixed php error * Updated contact form * Updated candidate custom fields 

Version 2.2.1 06 May 2020

 * Updated WooCommerce * Fixed filter location list 

Version 2.2.0 04 May 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 2.0.3 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 3.0.3 * Added 2 Home pages * Added 2 Job details page * Added 2 Employer page * Added 2 Candidate pages * Added 2 job listing style * Added option change color for Urgent, Featured job, employer, candidate * Added options for hidden Register form fields * Added job suggestion search * Updated filter results * Updated email template * Fixed social login 

Version 2.1.1 31 March 2020

 * Updated rating review 

Version 2.1.0 30 March 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 2.0.0 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 3.0.2 * Add Employee for Employer * Add RSS Feed Jobs * Updated permalink * Updated phone display * Updated WooCommerce * Fixed facebook login 

Version 2.0.3 03 March 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.3.2 * Updated locations * Updated Filter count 

Version 2.0.2 29 February 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 3.0.1 * Fixed pricing package 

Version 2.0.1 27 February 2020

 * Updated responsive * Updated demo import 

Version 2.0.0 27 February 2020

 * Updated more 5 home page * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.3.0 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 3.0.0 * Updated location * Updated Elementor elements * Added candidate search form * Added field location list for Job search form * Added package with WooCommerce Subscription * Added filter by Employers 

Version 1.1.24 04 February 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.24 * Updated submit job preview * Updated responsive * Updated candidate filter location * Updated employer filter location * Fixed submit job preview 

Version 1.1.23 31 January 2020

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.23 * Updated WooCommerce 3.9.0 * Updated search form 

Version 1.1.22 20 December 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.20 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 2.0.5 * Added Approved for Application * Fixed Filter widgets Jobs, Employers, Candidates * Added taxonomy multiple select field * Added User search ajax fields * Added Employer view all jobs * Updated my jobs 

Version 1.1.21 12 December 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.19 * Updated Job Preview * Updated Menu class * Updated price format * Updated job expired 

Version 1.1.20 27 November 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.18 * Added sort by for packages * Updated candidate shortlist * Updated reset password 

Version 1.1.19 25 November 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.17 * Updated job simple search * Updated job expired date 

Version 1.1.18 21 November 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.16 * Updated search location * Updated filter * Updated custom field placeholder * Updated user approve 

Version 1.1.17 13 November 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.15 * Updated email apply * Updated Google Maps * Updated WooCommerce 3.8 * Fixed Search Form Location 

Version 1.1.16 07 November 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.14 * Fixed submit job error 

Version 1.1.15 05 November 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.13 * Updated listing count * Updated breadcrumbs 

Version 1.1.14 21 October 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.12 * Updated job button style * Improved Job filter Widget * Improved Candidate filter Widget * Improved Employer filter Widget 

Version 1.1.13 9 October 2019

 * Added translate Menu text * Added loading for reset password 

Version 1.1.12 27 September 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.10 * Updated Recaptcha * Update contact form email template * Added filter taxonomies 

Version 1.1.11 16 September 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.9 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board - WooCommerce Paid Listings" 2.0.3 * Updated clear location * Update submit form 

Version 1.1.10 13 September 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.8 * Added placeholder image * Fixed filter Employer/Candidate * Fixed Pagination * Updated ajax filter * Updated social share * Updated Email variable * Updated Linkedin login * Updated submit form 

Version 1.1.9 30 August 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.7 * Added candidate tags * Fixed custom field * Add Google Structure data * Fixed candidate salary types * Fixed Translate 

Version 1.1.8 23 August 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.6 * Updated date field * Added email template for apply job * Add page settings for after login * Add relist expired job * Fixed apply job with complete resume * Fixed Salary format 

Version 1.1.7 13 August 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.3 * Added Undo reject applicant * Updated WooComemrce 3.7 * Updated spelling 

Version 1.1.6 12 August 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.3 * Updated location search * Updated maps default location 

Version 1.1.5 10 August 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.2 * Added employer restrict review * Added candidate restrict review * Update date format * Added Terms and Conditions 

Version 1.1.4 08 August 2019

 * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.2.0 * Compatible with WPML * Improved responsive * Updated profile url field 

Version 1.1.3 07 August 2019

 * Added simple jobs widget * Added simple candidates widget * Added simple employers widget * Added editable profile url * Added Apply job with complete resume 

Version 1.1.2 02 August 2019

 * Added video for candidate/employer * Added popup image for candidate portfolio * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" 1.1.2 

Version 1.1.1 01 August 2019

 * Updated download CV * Fixed error with old version WP Job Board * Fixed filter in job List v3 

Version 1.1.0 31 July 2019

 * Compatible with WP Job Manager 1.1.0 * Fixed indeed job import * Added restrict employer * Added restrict candidate * Added approve user register * Added approve resume * Added Resume download * Added changeable Miles/Kilometer * Added Free/paid apply for candidate * Added CV package * Added Contact candidate package * Added Resume package * Added Candidate package * Fixed Job package expiry date * Fixed error with WooCommerce 3.x 

Version 1.0.10 18 July 2019

 * Fixed job tabs * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" version 1.0.13 

Version 1.0.9 16 July 2019

 * Update register user * Update plugin "WP Job Board" to version 1.0.12 

Version 1.0.8 12 July 2019

 * Updated import demo data 

Version 1.0.7 12 July 2019

 * Updated Spelling text * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" version 1.0.11 * Fixed search by jobs, employer, candidate * Fixed filter candidate 

Version 1.0.6 11 July 2019

 * Updated plugin "Wp Job Board" to version 1.0.10 * Updated expired job * Updated messages system * Updated demo import 

Version 1.0.5 09 July 2019

 * Updated plugin "Wp Job Board" to version 1.0.9 * Updated filter for jobs/candidate shortlist * Updated filter for following * Updated filter for applicants * Updated Applicants page * Added reject applicant * Added filter count * Fixed expired job * Improved filter jobs/candidate/employer 

Version 1.0.4 05 July 2019

 * Added filter count * Improved filter job * Updated plugin "WP Job Board" to version 1.0.4 

Version 1.0.3 02 July 2019

 * Fixed responsive sidebar 

Version 1.0.2 28 June 2019

 * Fixed job style * Fixed job tabs layout * Fixed Register user * Improved urgent label style * Improved import demo data * Add change header mobile color 

Version 1.0.1 26 June 2019

 * Updated demo data * Improve header style 

Version 1.0.0 25 June 2019

 * First release 
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